If you do not have a wallet yet, you can create a new one here by generating a new key pair. You can also fund your account with testnet XLM. - The Current Network selected is the type of wallet generated. - A Mainnet wallet will not be valid on mainnet until you fund it with 2 XLM . - A Testnet wallet will not be valid on testnet until you fund it with FRIENDBOT . - NOTE THIS IS ALPHA v0.0.2 We are still very early and promote using testnet as we work. - If any issue occurs with generating a key pair, please refresh the page and try again. Stellar Key Pair Generator Generate Key Pair Generated Key Pair: Public Key: Secret Key: STORE YOUR SECRET KEY SAFELY AND NEVER SHARE YOUR KEY! FRIENDBOT Testnet XLM can be used to fund your account for testing purposes. Fund Stellar Wallet Fund Stellar Wallet Fund Wallet